[石濱裕美子の部屋に戻る | 次のページ]


 目 次


 (1) これまでの猊下の人生

 (2) ノーベル賞受賞の言葉


  (3) 猊下との出会い

  (4) ダラムサラへ

  (5) その後・・・





(1) これまでの猊下の人生

1935年5月 東チベットのタクツェル (現青海省) に生まれる。 

1939年   ダライラマ14世に認定され中央チベットに迎えられる。

1943年   顕教の勉強を開始。

1947年   論理学の勉強を開始。

1950年   摂政より政権を返還され、チベットの最高主権者の地位に即位。

1951年   北京により17条の協約に調印させられる。

1952年   ダライラマ13世と対立していたパンチェンラマ七世が中国軍とともにタシルンポ寺に帰還。

1954年   パンチェンラマとともに北京で開催された第一期中国全国人民代表会議に出席。

1956年   パンチェンラマとともにインドで開催された釈尊生誕2500年祭に出席。

1959年3月 ラサの人民が中国軍に対して蜂起。混乱の中インドに亡命

1960年   インドのダラムサラに亡命政庁を発足。

1963年   チベット憲法を交付。

1987年   アメリカの下院人権問題小委員会でチベット和平案を提案。

1988年   ストラスブルグの欧州議会にて新提案。

1989年   ノーベル平和賞受賞

(2) ノーベル賞受賞の言葉 (1989年)

I am deeply touched to be chosen as this year's recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize. I believe my selection reaffirms the universal values of non-violence, peace and understanding between all members of our great human family. We all desire a happier, more humane and harmonious world, and I have always felt that the practice of love and compassion, tolerance and respect for others is the most effective manner in which to bring this about.

I hope this prize will provide courage to the six million people of Tibet. For some forty years now Tibetans have been undergoing the most painful period in our long history. During this time, over a million of our people perished and more than six thousand monasteries -the seat of our peaceful culture- were destroyed. There is not a single family, either in Tibet or among the refugees abroad, which has gone unscathed. Yet, our people's determination and commitment to spiritual values and the practice of non-violence remain unshaken. This prize is a profound recognition of their faith and perseverance.

The demonstration which have rocked Tibet for the past two years continue to be non-violent despite brutal suppression. Since the imposition of martial law in Lhasa last March, Tibet has been sealed off, and while global attention has focused on the tragic events in China, a systematic effort to crush the spirit and national identity of the Tibetan people is being pursued by the Government of the People's Republic.

Tibetans today are facing the real possibility of elimination as a people and a nation. The Government of the People's Republic of China is practicing a form of genocide by relocating millions of Chinese settlers into Tibet. I ask that this massive population transfer be stopped. Unless the cruel and inhuman treatment of my people is brought to an end, and until they are given their due right to self-determination, there will always be obstacles in finding a solution to the Tibetan issue.

I accept the Novel Peace Prize in a spirit of optimism despite the many grave problems which humanity faces today. We all know the immensity of the challenges facing our generation: the problem of overpopulation, the threat to our environment and the dangers of military confrontation, As this dramatic century draws to a close, it is clear that the renewed yearning for freedom and democracy sweeping the globe provides an unprecedented opportunity for building a better world. Freedom is the real source of human happiness and creativity. Only when it is allowed to flourish, can a genuinely stable international climate exist.

The suppression of the rights and freedoms of any people by totalitarian governments is against human nature and the recent movement for democracy in various parts of the world is a clear indication of this.

The Chinese students have given me great hope for the future of China and Tibet. I feel that their movement follows the tradition of Mahatma Gandhi's ahimsa or non-violence which has deeply inspired me ever since I was a small boy. The eventual success of all people seeking a more tolerant atmosphere, must derive from a commitment to counter hatred and violence with patience. We must seek change through dialogue and trust. It is my heartfelt prayer that Tibet's plight may be resolved in such a manner and that once again my country, the roof of the world, may serve as a sanctuary of peace and a resource of spiritual inspiration at the heart of Asia.

I hope and pray that the decision to give me the Nobel Peace Prize will encourage all those who pursue the path of peace to do so in a renewed spirit of optimism and strength.

October 5, 1989 Newport Beach, CA

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