HOTC in St. Andrews 学会プログラム |
セッション1 7世紀から9世紀(9月1日) 1. Samten Karmay (議長) King gLang Dar-ma and his rule 2. Takeuchi Tsuguhito : Military Administration and mIlitary Duties in Tibetan-ruled Central Asia 3. Guntram Hazod: The `Taming temple' of dBara Ka-tshel 4. Helga Uebach: On the Tibetan Expansion from the seventh to mid-eighth century and its organisation by mkhos セッション2 10世紀から12世紀(9月1日) 5. Per Kvaerve (議長) 6. Roberto Vitali: On some of the disciples of RIn-chen bzang-po and lo-chung LEgs-pa'i shes-rab, and their successors who brought teachings popular in mNag' ris skor-gsum to Central Tibet. 7. Dan Martin: Violence, Tolerance and State Formation in the works of Zhang Rinpoche (1123-1193) 8. Mathhew Kapstein: セッション3 13世紀から16世紀(9月2日) 9. Elliot Sperling (議長) 欠席 10.Peter Schwieger: A Document of Chinese Diplomatic Relations with East Tibet during the Ming Dynasty 11. Janet Gyatso: What Doew it Take to See Real Women: A Moment on the Path in Tibetan History 12. Luvsan Chuluun Baatar: Political, Economic and Religious relations between the Mongols and Tibet 13. Joachim Karsten: The `King's New Year': Costumes, Customs and their Political significance セッション4 17世紀から18世紀 (9月2日) 14. Anne Chayet (議長) 15. Toni Huber: The Quest for the HOly Land: Tibetan Polgrims in India, 17th-19th centuries 16. Ishihama Yumiko: The COnceptual Framework of the dGa'-ldan's war, based on the beye dailame wargi amargi babe necihiyeme toktobuha bodogon i bithe: `Buddhism Government' in the Tibet-Mongol and Manchu reationship 17. Dieter Schuh: POlitics and Science in Tibet, the 13th-17th centuries 18. Vladimir Uspensky: The `Beijing Lamaist Centre' and Tibet in the 17th-19th centuries: Religion and politics. 19. Hanna Schneider: The Formation of the Tibetan Official Style of Administrative Correspondence (17th-19th Centuries) 20. John Adrussi: On the mang-'gyed as an Institutional Ceremony of Gift-giving and wealth distribution in 17th and 18th century Tibet and Bhutan. セッション5 19世紀から20世紀初頭(9月3日) 21. Alastair Lamb(議長) 22. Dawa Norbu: Sino-Tibetan Relations through the Ages: some tentative generalities 23. Alexandre Andreyev: The Tsar's Generals and Tibet: apropos of some `white spots' in the History of Russo-Tibet relations 24. Francoise Pommaret: Notes on the relations between lHa-ling (lHo-brag) and Bhutan in the 19th and 20th centuries. 25. Tirtha Prasad MIshra: A Critial Assessment of the Nepal-Tibet Treaty of 1856 セッション6 20世紀後半(9月4日) 26. Ernst Steinkellner (議長) 27. Melvyn Goldstein: Overview of the period 28. Parshotam Mehra: From Conflict to Conciliation (1904-1989): Tibetan Polity revisited 29. Tsering Shakya (欠席) 30. Tom Grundfeld: Tibet and the United States 31. Warren Smith: The Transformation of TIbetan National Identity 32. Robbie Barnett: The CHinese Frontiersman and the Battle over History: CHen Kuiyan in the T.A.R.,1992-2000 33. The Ernst Schaefer Tibet Expedition (1938-1939): New Light on the Political History in the first half of the 20th century. |
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